That Was a Mystery!

Brr – I’m feeling decidedly chilly today – can I assume that was summer last week and that it’s been and has now gone?

First of May tomorrow – who remembers the old saying – First of May, Kick Bum Day!  I suspect if you dared to do such a thing you would be arrested nowadays!  What a challenge it used to be – but quite a long time ago!

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Hope you are all well and happy.  Just to update you:

No reply from our erstwhile ‘very-busy’ MP to my letter of last December!

No action from the Landlord of the empty house at the back of us.

Situation normal in all respects I suppose!

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We spent the weekend away on a Mystery Tour, which was great fun.  Obviously we had to idea where we might be heading – despite the chap sitting behind us on the coach being quite sure he knew (he didn’t).

On Friday we were collected from home and taken to Fareham for the coach.  We soon set off and after a stop at a motorway services we headed towards Surrey for a lunch break in Henley on Thames.  A beautiful town but, my goodness, a glance in the estate agent’s window nearly gave me palpitations!  Who can possibly afford to pay £6,500 PER WEEK (yes – per week) to rent a three bedroom house?

The Main Man and I found a lovely coffee shop and enjoyed a peaceful lunch before a stroll along the river bank and back to the coach in plenty of time.

After a drive around a very circuitous route including Windsor we arrived at our destination, Leatherhead, at about 5.00.  Driving carefully through a housing estate, the driver turned into a narrow entrance way, blocked by a large gate but someone soon came to open it and we were there – at the National Police Federation Conference Centre (of all places).  It looked like a very modern office block (see but was also a very comfortable hotel.

Our room was large and well equipped and somewhere I wouldn’t mind staying at again!  The food was good and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

On Saturday we set off to another mystery destination – given my sense of direction we could have been heading literally anywhere in the UK – but we actually went to Bexley in Kent, to visit the grounds of a beautiful Tudor house.  There was some amazing topiary of the Queen’s Beasts in the grounds and a lovely walk along the river.  There was also a display of Owls where we spent ages.  They had a Black Barn Owl which is apparently just the reverse of an albino and is very rare – but still very beautiful.

I would have liked another couple of hours there but, instead, we headed for London and a lunch stop en route.  The plan was to go to places which we might not have known about – seeing the Thames Barrier, crossing by the Woolwich Ferry and later back under the Thames through the Blackwall Tunnel.  We drove around Canary Wharf which might sound incredibly boring – but it was so interesting to see the huge tower blocks of so many shapes and sizes, sitting right next to very run-down old buildings.  We ended up at Greenwich for a couple of hours where we could wander and do our own thing which we enjoyed

On Sunday morning we set off for another drive around the London area, through villages and towns, around Heathrow Airport and ending up outside the Albert Hall where we left the coach for a couple of hours.  The Main Man and I popped inside there for a cup of tea, then walked up into Kensington Gardens – and as he hadn’t seen the Albert Memorial before he was suitably …… stunned!

‘Comfort Breaks’ were plentiful as we began the drive home, passing Runnymede which impressed me as I’d never seen it before!

Nothing exciting just lots to see and places to go, comfortable beds and good food – my idea of a good weekend!  We met some lovely people, enjoyed some interesting conversations and altogether managed to really relax.

We shall book for the next one.

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Now here’s a question for you!  Think about the name of the road where you live.  Do you know who it was named after or why it was named after a place or event?

I was thinking about this at the beginning of last week when I was chatting (as you do!) to a girl at a bus stop (I would guess in her 20s but am also rubbish at guessing these things).  She asked where I lived, so I told her and asked where she lived.  She replied that she lived in Chaucer Avenue at Portchester. ‘Ah’ said I ‘Poets Corner’. Completely bemused, she asked what I meant.  I explained that all the roads around hers were named after famous poets, Masefield, Wordsworth and so on.  (You can probably guess this next bit!)……. She knew the roads but didn’t know they were named after people!

In this area, the majority of the original roads were named after small villages in Hampshire (Hursley, Bramdean, Sparsholt etc) with others named after the original names of parts of the estate before it was sold to Portsmouth City Council.  (Middle Park Way, Billy’s Copse, Sharps Copse etc).

It’s always interesting to wonder why road names are so called – after politicians, battles, natural features or whatever.

Where does the name of your road come from?

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I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week – and that it warms up just a bit!

Take care xx




That Was The Week That Was

Good morning all.  Hope everyone is well, happy and enjoying the sunshine!

I have had a pretty wonderful week one way and the other!

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Update on the Eyes v Kidney situation!  I have now got an appointment for the eye dept, the week before my ultrasound.  Is there any reasonable expectation that one or the other will be sorted?

I had the normal letter from the hospital giving me instructions.  The following day I received exactly the same letter but printed on bright yellow paper in a very large font!  Perhaps as it is the eye dept. they work on the principle that you may not be able to read the normal type!

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Update on the Cannula Sleeve project – a friend saw this on here last week and has a mum who used to be a great knitter but increasing old age and poor eyesight has put an end to her knitting days so she was happy to hand over several large bags of wool!  Thank you so much Joan – they will be used for a good cause.

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Update on the Rat in the empty house issue – I had a very nice telephone call from a man at Environmental Health who was sorry I hadn’t received the help I might have hoped for!  He came out himself, had a look around and even found a rat!

He has written to the owner of the property requesting that it be cleared up promptly or prosecution will follow.


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Last weekend was my Afternoon Tea Birthday Bash, organised by the Senior Girl at a local hotel.  Forty friends all gathered together to eat sandwiches and cake and chatter non stop.  I particularly enjoyed seeing how friends from one area of my life also appeared to know others from different areas!

Our Boy came down from “Up North” for the weekend, with my dearest daughter-in-law and her mum too.  They arrived on Saturday, so we sat around in the sunshine catching up on the news and gossip.  In the evening we all went for a meal with my brother and lovely sister-in-law, Senior and Junior Girls and the Cyclist.  Just so lovely so see us all together and all chattering away nineteen to the dozen!

The Sunday afternoon was just lovely – the room looked just as we hoped, my cake was perfect and all went well.  We had our own young man for the afternoon whose job was just to make sure we all had what we wanted and that food and drink kept arriving.  The Junior Girl was a little surprised to see him as they had been at school together!

I was so fortunate to receive some lovely presents – and as they were all from people who know me well, they were all perfect!

What a lovely weekend!

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On Thursday my Brother and my Sister In Law took us up to London by train for Afternoon Tea at the Ritz!

It was a really hot day – the radio said it was the hottest April day in 70 years so that seemed appropriate!  The tubes were packed!  The first one we got on, a young lady stood up and offered me her seat.  She then looked around ‘Is anyone going to offer their seat to the gentleman with the stick’.  The answer was yes as several shamefaced people stood up muttering ‘sorry’ and so on – the Main Man was very grateful and soon engaged people in conversation!

At one point we were standing about looking like typical tourists as we worked out which way to walk when a young man ran out of his shop, asked where we wanted to be, pointed us in the right direction and ran back in!  How kind was that!

We had lunch in Covent Garden – where it cost us £1 each to use the loo!!!!  Wish we’d gone in Starbucks instead – they don’t charge!

After much wandering about, we caught another tube where, once again, people gave us a seat each, got off at Green Park (which was absolutely packed!) and strolled along towards the Ritz.

We sat in the bar area on comfy sofas while we took it in turns to get ourselves tidied up, the men put their ties and jackets on etc. before we went into tea.

I really feel this is how I was meant to live! People waiting on me hand and foot, pouring out my tea, replenishing plates when they are empty.  A “Powder Room” with real individual hand towels instead of hot air dryers or paper towels and a sofa to sit on while you have a quick rest!

I was presented with a small Birthday Cake while the pianist played Happy Birthday and everyone sang – embarrassing but a lovely idea!

What a fabulous day we had – got back at about 9.30 – exhausted but it was so worth it!

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Sorry this has all been a bit me, me, me! However, it’s my 70th so I feel a bit entitled this week!

Enjoy the sunshine today and look forward to a happy, healthy week.

Take care xx

Norfolk Tales

Good morning all – hope everyone is well and happy today.  Sorry there was no post last Sunday but I was away for the weekend!  Where was I? The wilds of Norfolk (see below) and there won’t be a post tomorrow either as I am busy celebrating my 70th with my family and friends so there will be an update on that next week!

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Every year the Main Man goes off on Pilgrimage to Walsingham in Norfolk on the weekend after Easter (Low Weekend).  This year was his 30th year and, because of the way things are, I had to go with him as his carer.  Not being a practicing Christian and certainly not of the Anglo-Catholic persuasion I wasn’t really looking forward to it but I actually enjoyed myself and had a great time doing my own thing.

We travelled with the group from his church and the group from another parish on a comfortable coach, stopping at a service station for a ‘comfort break’ before arriving in Newmarket where we stopped for an hour and a half for a lunch break and an opportunity to stretch our legs.

We arrived safe and sound in Walsingham mid afternoon.  The last time I was there was 30 years ago and things had changed quite a bit, but we were made very welcome and soon settled into our modern, comfortable room.

While everyone else was off doing religious things, I had a wander and was delighted to find they now have a café/bar, open all day until 11 at night.  There were lovely comfortable sofas where I was soon comfortably ensconced, cup of tea in one hand and book in the other – this was to become my home from home!

The food was good in the refectory and I did meet some interesting people from different parts of the country who didn’t seem to mind at all that I wasn’t joining in anything.

The grounds are beautiful and any and everyone is welcome to just wander in and look around – and I wandered out and looked around the village and discovered a rather nice farm shop.

For me, it was an unusual weekend of complete relaxation.  For the Main Man it was, as always, just a wonderful weekend.  I am prepared for next year now and shan’t mind going again!

~ ~ ~ ~

At the back of our house is a house that has been a bit of a disaster area for some time but the family living there suddenly vanished, leaving the garden full of all sorts of rubbish (ands I do mean full!)  This is slowly turning into some sort of amenity tip, with all sorts of additional rubbish appearing.  I rang the Environmental Health Dept of the council to report seeing a rat there – and was told there was nothing they could do unless I paid £80!

I pointed out that it was not my property, I was just reporting a health hazard and was told they couldn’t act without a report from the owner.  They pointed out that it wasn’t a council house as they no longer have any council houses.

I rang Hermitage Housing, who appear to have been taken over by Guinness, so I rang them but, after being on hold for 15 minutes, gave up.  I rang Havant Housing to no avail and tried Portsmouth who couldn’t help.  It was suggested I rang the Land Registry but I wasn’t willing to pay the £15 that would cost for something that actually isn’t my responsibility.  I rang the Environmental Health again, and got a different person.

Usual guff that there was nothing they could do without a complaint from the owner and I suggested they find out who the owner was – not possible!

I suggested they came and looked for themselves – not possible!

I asked for the supervisor – not possible.

I explained that I would be writing to my Councillor and MP (who still hasn’t answered my letter from 12 December, but that’s another story).

Next morning – a van with four men in hi-vis jackets appeared and poked around in the rubbish with sticks then went away again.  Perhaps this is progress?

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I am currently engaged in knitting (yes, me!) Cannula Sleeves for patients with dementia at the QA.  Apparently, the patients often try to pull the cannulas out so they wanted sleeves to cover them.  There is a specific pattern but they are not tricky so I can manage, not being a great knitter!  They are knitted on largish needles in either chunky or two strands of Double Knit so I find I don’t get bored!  If anyone has any spare DK or Chunky they don’t want, I’ll be pleased to take it off your hands!

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Another blood test yesterday and now have an ultrasound booked for next month – all to do with my kidneys but still no word about my eyes!

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I hope you all have a good weekend – I anticipate having a wonderful time!!

Take care and stay well x

Happy Easter

Hello everyone – and a very Happy Easter to you all!  I hope no-one is feeling too ‘ickky’ as a result of the generosity of the Easter Bunny!

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Very many thanks for all the lovely messages and concerns about my eyes.  The news to date is – no hospital appointment yet (no sh** Sherlock).  The blood test came back and I had a phone call from a doctor – no mention of eyes, but the test showed a kidney problem so had to go back for another blood test – watch this space!

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On the subject of doctors, you might remember the fuss about our surgery closing then not closing and so on.  Well, we now have some new doctors starting from this very day – and we all have a registered doctor who has to be your first port of call – no more just choosing who you want to see and getting one of the many locums (should that be loci or loca or something?).  I asked who my doctor was now and was cross when I found out – so I wrote a letter to the surgery couched in very grovelling terms asking if I could please change to a female doctor.  (I actually don’t mind a male doctor – just this particular one)

I dropped the letter in, and within a couple of hours had a phone call from the Practice Manager saying of course I could change (phew) and a female doctor had suggested that I be registered with her as she is the Main Man’s doctor and already knows me.  Sorted!

And, by the way, you might remember that I wrote to our photo-obsessed MP in December about the dire shortage of GPs in the area, with not a single one in the whole of this estate.  I received an acknowledgement telling me how busy he was – since then, nothing, not a word!  I shall be bearing his transgressions in mind come election time!

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Also had an unexpected phone call from the local Secondary School concerning last week’s incident with the two boys running up the middle of the road.  They seem to have identified one of them but he won’t ‘grass up’ the other one so they wondered if I could give any sort of a description which might confirm their suspicions.  I did, and it did!  Job done!  Very nice woman who works in their behaviour unit – rather her than me!

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If you are one of my friends who read this and know Havant well, you will be aware that it is a very ‘white’ town, in the sense that you rarely see anyone of a different ethnicity unless you visit the local Chinese or Indian restaurants. (This isn’t good or bad – it just is a fact of life.)

However, did you know that Havant has a Ghanaian church which has a congregation of about 50-60 people each Sunday?

During the week the Main Man and I were delivering some odds and ends to the church charity shop in the Pallant when we met the manager of the Pallant Centre (which includes what used to be known as the Church Hall, Church House, the Charity Shop and everything between.)  He invited us to come and have a look at the changes in Church House, which used to house Havant Nursery and had been fast becoming derelict.  (Stay with me – this is relevant.)

It takes a lot for me to be speechless – but it was completely amazing!  The upstairs is almost finished and the workmanship is just outstanding.  Not just a coat of paint, but new walls, doors, carpets and so on – almost all completed by a few dedicated craftsmen who work on a voluntary basis.

Downstairs there is a brilliant Play Café, set up and run by two ex-teachers which provides food and drinks to adults and children with the opportunity for the children to play with each other and to use larger pieces of equipment they may not have at home, while the Mums (or aunts, dads, grandparents etc) can meet other carers and make new friends.  There is also a quieter room for older people to just sit with a drink and perhaps read or chat to other people

The link to my previous comment is that one large upstairs room is now let to The Redeemed Church of God – and is obviously well used and loved by its Ghanaian worshippers who come from places as far away as Worthing and Southampton each week.  I am assured that if I would like to drop in and see it in action on a Sunday morning, I would be very welcome so I think that’s a plan!

If any of you are in Havant – do drop in and say hello to whoever is about – I know they will be pleased to show you around.  Many thanks to Will for the time you spent with us – we did appreciate it!

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Fair Warning – this is a moan!  Lately there have been several bikes stolen and other such crimes with appeals for sightings appearing on Facebook.  I am always encouraged when people try to help and give useful information.  Sometimes there is a screen shot from a CCTV camera, often with a very identifiable picture the of the thief in action.  As soon as anyone says something like ‘That’s so-and-so – he lives near me’ or whatever, someone else will say ‘Grass’ or ‘Snitches get Stiches’ or other nasty retorts.  Why?

Surely if you genuinely do know the culprit, you would want them to be identified and the police notified.  This attitude that ‘Grassing’ is wrong is why there is so much of this sort of crime – they know they can get away with it!  Only trouble is – it could be you that loses something you value the next time!

On this subject, did you see the photograph of three idiots who broke into the Southsea Model Village?  They took a photo of themselves sitting on one of the models drinking …… and published it on Instagram! Someone else copied it on to Facebook before it was deleted from the original site.  Job done – one of the men (and they were grown men, not children!) was named and a look at his Facebook Profile showed he was even wearing the same clothes.

What a trio of numpties.

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Someone recommended to me a book called Murder at West Leigh so I bought it.  Oh Lord, don’t bother!  It’s (mercifully) quite short and reads a bit like an A-Z of the area – as in, ‘I drove along the Petersfield Road, turned right into Wakefords Way then left into Forestside Avenue’.  The blocks of flats are described in boring detail and there really isn’t anything much to recommend it.  It is fiction though and not a report of a real murder which is one good thing I suppose!

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Fingers crossed please – on Wednesday I have the Dentist to have some scaffolding put in!!!  It can’t possibly be as bad as I am imagining….can it?

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Have a lovely day what ever you are doing.  Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  xx