A Cafe Conversation

I was out and about, mostly avoiding the mess of the plasterer currently busy on my hall, stairs and landing, when it seemed like time for a cup of tea.  I went into somewhere I’ve not been in for years and settled down.  Lovely tea in a china teapot, with hot water – and a cheeky warm cheese scone too!

All was calm and peace; I was probably the youngest there by years so that gives you an idea of the cliental.  Murmured conversations, no tinned music, just as I like it.

Suddenly the door opened and in came a woman, probably in her fifties and her daughter, probably in her late twenties/early thirties.  I didn’t know them, so am only guessing!

They soon settled down to a conversation which kept the rest of enthralled as it was mostly carried on at full volume!  The gist of it was (many, many expletives deleted!) as follows.

The daughter explained to the mum that she had booked her holiday for the summer.  She and ‘the kids’ were going to a Hotel in Spain for two weeks, all inclusive so there wouldn’t be a lot to pay out when they got there. She had just been into the travel agent to book her flights as she was worried about getting it wrong.

‘I told ‘er – I want cheap flights.  When she told me the price I nearly died – I told ‘er that it couldn’t be right.  Four of ‘em are only kids’.

‘Terrible, that is.  Get ‘em cheaper did ya?’

‘Nah.  She said it was full price for each kid.  ‘Course, I argued but she said they ‘ave a seat each, and that’s the seat price.  I said put ‘em two to a seat but she said that weren’t allowed’.

‘Terrible.  Whatcha do?’

‘I told ‘er.  I’m living on benefits and with four kids, I can’t afford that sort of money.  Know what she said?’

‘Nah, what?’

‘She said if I was on benefits wiv four kids, she was surprised I could afford two weeks in a hotel in Spain!!’  Cheeky cow – I walked out’.

‘Ya never!’

‘Yeah – only fing is, now I ain’t got any flights so will ‘ave to try somewhere else.’

‘Ave ‘alf me doughnut, that’ll make you feel better!’

You could have heard a pin drop – the whole place was riveted by this saga!  I was almost tempted to follow them when they left to see if they had a similar reception elsewhere – but I stayed put and had another cup of tea.

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